Aneta Hryckiewicz - Gontarczyk
Associate Professor of Finance and Banking at the Kozminski University, (Warsaw, Poland) – a school ranked in the Financial Times. Since September 2022 she has been also a Visiting Researcher at the Said Business School, University of Oxford working on bank restructuring, crisis resolution mechanisms, and disintermediation of the banking sector.
- National Expert at the European Commission
- More than 15 years of proven expertise and experience of academic teaching undergraduate, graduate as well as MBAs and PhD students in the field of financial economics and quantitative finance at Goethe University of Frankfurt, IESEG School of Management (France), University of Florence, Maastricht University and Kozminski University.
- Taught courses: Quantitative Research Methods, Advanced Econometrics, Financial Data Analysis, Empirical Finance, Financial Economics, Corporate Investment, Modern Banking Systems.
- Visiting Researcher at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK; Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
- Grantee and Principle Investigator of 5 externally funded research projects. Cooperation with scholars from ECB, EBRD, UCL, Oxford University and Wharton Business School resulted in multiple joint papers.
- Co-Editor and Guest Editor in multiple finance journals.
- Broad and distinguished academic background in financial economics with a main focus on empirical banking. Authors of numerous articles, books as well as a speaker at numerous business and academic conferences. Numerous awards for the best papers and outstanding research.
- High‐caliber leadership skills complemented with expertise in establishing productive relationships with individuals of diverse cultures and organizational backgrounds.

A Modern Guide to Financial Shocks and Crises
A book discussing the theory of financial crisis and methods of interventions and resolutions.

Anatomia kryzysów bankowych
A book (in Polish) discussing the theory of banking crises, the origination of the Global Financial Crisis (2008-2010) and methods and their effectiveness of government interventions.

Digital Currencies and the New Global Financial System
A book discussing the phenomena of Bitcoin and the role of monetary policy in creating Bitcoin bubble.

Pośrednictwo finansowe bez tradycyjnych banków
A book (in Polish) discussing the role of BigTechs and Fitnechs in the banking sector, the technology on the financial inclusion and the challanges ahead the supervisory and regulatory institutions.
Policy work
In my policy work, I engage in collaborative efforts with central banks, regulators, and governments to undertake various projects. One area of focus is the development of resolution frameworks that aim to restore financial stability during times of crises. This involves designing mechanisms and strategies to effectively address and mitigate the impacts of financial instability.
Recently, I had the privilege of serving as an expert for the European Commission, where I evaluated Tax Cooperative Compliance in Poland. This assessment involved examining the effectiveness of tax cooperation initiatives and providing recommendations for improvement. The outcomes of this evaluation were then presented to the representatives of the Ministry of Finance, contributing to the ongoing discussions and decision-making processes in that domain.
Additionally, I have also provided expert advice to the Polish Ministry of Finance in the development of a new bank levy scheme. This entails designing a comprehensive and fair framework for levying fees on banks, considering factors such as risk exposure, systemic importance, and the overall stability of the financial sector.
Through these policy engagements, I aim to contribute to the formulation of effective and impactful measures that promote financial stability, regulatory compliance, and sustainable economic growth.
Supervisory board
Since 2015, I have held the position of Supervisory Board Member in the Investment Banking Division of PEKAO SA, the largest banking group in Poland. Additionally, from 2016 to 2019, I served as a member of the Audit Committee.
Expert in the
I work as an expert to the European Commission in projects related to bank resolution mechanisms and tax regulations.
expert in the latvian ministry of education
Since 2018, I have been serving as an external expert to the Latvian Ministry of Education in the Accreditation Committees.
Expert in the
ministry of
I also act as an external expert in providing in-depth analysis, evaluating existing policies, and identifying areas for improvement or potential interventions.
- Hryckiewicz, A., Kryg, N., Tsomocos, D., (2023): Bank Resolution Mechanisms Revisited: Towards a New Era of Restructuring, Journal of Financial Stability, forthcoming.
- BORSUK, M., HRYCKIEWICZ, A., MAZUR, P., PAWLOWSKI, P., (2022): “Sovereign debt holding and bank sensitivity toward interest rate risk – an alternative view of the bank-sovereign problem”, International Journal of Central Banking (December Issue).
- DOBIJA, D., HRYCKIEWICZ, A., PULAWSKA, K, ZAMAN, M. (2021): Critical Mass and Voice: Board Gender Diversity and Financial Reporting Quality, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 40, pp. 29-44.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A., KRYG, N., TSOCOMOC, D. P. (2020): “New bank resolution mechanisms: Is it the end of the bailout era?”, EBRD WORKING PAPER (number 247), London.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A. (2020): “There is no smoke without the fire – the effect of government interventions in less advanced economies”, ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, 45, pp. 100776.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A., KOZŁOWSKI, Ł. (2018): “The consequences of liquidity imbalance: when net lenders leave interbank markets”, JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STABILITY, 36, pp. 82-97.
- KOZŁOWSKI, Ł., HRYCKIEWICZ, A. (2018): “A horserace or boost in market power? Banking sector competition after foreign bank exits”, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE, Vol. 58, pp. 371-389.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A., KOZŁOWSKI, Ł. (2016): “Banking business models and the nature of financial crisis”, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, 71, pp. 1-24.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A. (2014): “What do we know about the impact of government interventions in the banking sector? An assessment of various bailout programs on bank behavior “, JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, 46, pp. 246-265.
- Allen F., HRYCKIEWICZ, A., Tümer-Alkan, G., KOWALEWSKI, O. (2014): “Transmission of financial shocks in loan and deposit markets: Role of interbank borrowing and market monitoring”, JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STABILITY, Vol. 15, pp. 112-126.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A. (2012): “Government Interventions – Restoring or Destroying Financial Stability in the Long-Run?”, Wharton Financial Center Working Paper Series, 12-02, pp. 1-48.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A., KOWALEWSKI, O. (2011): “Why do Foreign Banks Withdraw from Other Countries”, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE, 14, 1, pp. 67-102.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A., KOWALEWSKI, O. (2010): “Economic Determinants, Financial Crisis and Entry Modes of Foreign Banks into Emerging Countries”, EMERGING MARKETS REVIEW, 11, 3, pp. 205-228.
1. HRYCKIEWICZ A., KRYG N., TSOMOCOS D., ZADOROZHNA O. (2023): Unveiling the Power of State Activism in Times of Distress, mimeo.
2. HRYCKIEWICZ A., KOROSTELEVA J., KOZLOWSKI L., RZEPKA M., WANG R. (2022): Bank financial innovation and SMEs lending: do we experience a transformation in a bank-SME relationship?, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A., FILIPIAK, P. (2022): “The effect of monetary policy on development of virtual currency”, in: “Digital currencies and the new global financial system”, ed. By: Prof. A. RANJAN and Prof. R. DYGAS, ROUTLEDGE.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A. (2021): “The government as lender of last resort and temporary owner” in: „Modern Guide to Financial Shock”, by: Prof. V. D’APICE and Prof. G. FERRI, EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A. (2013): “The Role of Government Interventions in Restoring the Banking Sector Stability”, in: Morten Balling, Peter Egger, Ernest Gnan (ed.), States, Banks, and the Financing of the Economy: Fiscal Policy and Sovereign Risk Perspectives, SUERF – The European Money and Finance Forum, WIEN, pp. 249-285.
- HRYCKIEWICZ, A., KOWALEWSKI O. (2010): “The Economic Determinants and Behavior of Foreign Banks in Emerging Countries During a Period of Global Economic Downturn”, in: Suk-Joong Kim., Mckenzie M. D. (ed.), International Banking in the New Era: Post-Crisis Challenges and Opportunities, EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, Bingley, pp. 395-431.
- HRYCKIEWICZ,A., Schmidt, R. H. (2008): “Financial Systems – Importance, Differences and Convergence”, in: Hanke M., Huber J. (ed.), Information, Interaction and(In)Efficiency in Financial Markets, Vien, pp. 192-221.
- 2022 – 2023, The effect of technological digitalization on the systemic risk in the financial sector, project funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.
- 2021 – present, The effect of liquidity support to SMEs in the selected European countries during the COVID-19 period on SMEs survival, project funded by the National Science Center.
- 2019 – present, The effect of new technology on banking sector in the EU, project funded by the National Science Center.
- 2017 – 2019, The effect of banking taxation on interbank market in Poland and other EU countries, project funded by the National Science Center.
- 2015 – 2016, Effectiveness of government interventions in the banking sector in Poland and other CEE countries based on the experience of financial crisis 2007-2010, project funded by the National Science Center.
- 2014 – 2017, The effect of banks’ withdrawals on banking sector operation, project funded by the National Science Center.
- 2016, Award for the outstanding scientific achievements, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland.
- 2013-2016, Scholarship for excellent young researchers, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland.
Master Courses:
Modern Banking Systems
Corporate Investment
Financial Econometrics
Research Methods
Executive Courses:
Corporate Finance
Corporate Investment
I am a frequent expert source for print, digital, radio and television outlets, including BusinessInsider, Forbes, Gazeta Prawna, Parkiet, Rzeczpospolita, Money.pl, TOK FM, Polish Radio (Polskie Radio), Biznes TV, Polsat News. In these interviews, I provide on-the-record expert commentary related to financial stability, inflation and the European economy.
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